Saturday, March 30, 2013

My dear friends,

Please, bring before the Father these important prayer requests, for we know that “the effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”

1. Easter Services – we have invited many to attend our Easter services tonight and tomorrow. Pray please that people will come, hear, and changes their lives.

2. Drought – the water shortage in our region has aggravated. Two of our state reservoirs are empty. Many families complain that they only have water once every two weeks. The meteorologists forecast no rain for this and the following year.
But our God is lord rain and lightings!

3. Personal Bible Studies – some of the people I conduct personal Bible studies have discontinued because of silly interruptions or no apparent reason.

4. Traffic in Recife – our metropolitan area was rated as one of the slowest traffic in the world! We waste too much time to get to work and places. Can you pray for that? Pray that our Lord may enlighten me to find better alternatives routes and better traveling times.

Best regards in the Lord,
Bio and Dayse Nascimento 

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