Monday, February 4, 2013

Dear friends, 

We hope this finds you enjoying God's peace. 
Please, add the following requests to your private prayers today:

Hannah and Yasmin started a new school year. Hannah is in high school now, and new challenges will come to her. She needs to start thinking what career she wants in life. 

Carnival week is now and the whole city gets so agitated. It's a bacchanalia at many places around. Our church will not have a spiritual retreat, so pray for safety for us all.

* I spend a lot of time driving either because of ministerial duties or family chores. 
Pray please that I maintain my focus and energy.  

* We have plans to increase the numbers of deacons and maybe ministers, 
starting this year.   May the Lord may raise the right men. 

"My soul waits in silence for God only; 
From Him is my salvation."    - Ps 62.2

Bio and Dayse,
Hannah, Yasmin, and Dara Nascimento