Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Dear ones,

We ask your prayers for our daughter Jasmin.
Tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday 4th), she will have removed a lump (Chalazia?) from one of her eyelids. Next week the doctors will remove a second lump from her other eyelid. It’s nothing serious but still she will need sedation and local anesthesia.  
We appreciate your spiritual support.
Dayse and Bio Nascimento
Thus says the LORD who made you,
who formed you from the womb and will help you:
Fear not, O Jacob my servant,
Jeshurun whom I have chosen.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Friends in Christ
Once again, here is some news mixed with prayer requests.
Make sure you visit the web link below with several pictures.

CCC 2013 – It was truly a blessing to attend another retreat for missionaries down in São Paulo. It was my vacation indeed. This year’s theme was Spiritual Formation and every morning I had one entire hour of solitude in prayer and reading of Scripture.
Oh, how rejuvenating!

Adriano’s baptism finally! – After more than two years attending our services and classes, Adriano finally committed his life to Christ and sealed this union in baptism. Pray for these souls who are learning about the Christian walk and that their commitment will be a lifelong one.

Construction – We saved one Tuesday (October 1st) night to press forward with the new building construction. We had to finish the floor before one of our couple’s wedding. Our men worked hard until midnight—the wedding was so beautiful.
We have valiant men in our church. Pray for more energy for this project.

Alisha Sneed returned to US last week after two years of daily service to the poor and young girls at our community. She acquired a good command of Portuguese and understanding of our culture. I think she will be an excellent missionary anywhere the Lord sends her. Pray, please, for her reentry process and this next phase of her life.

Yours in Christ,
Bio and Dayse Nascimento

"Blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen."

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Dear friends in Christ,

Dara is reading! Our youngest daughter Evelyn Dara started reading this month. The reading magic finally clicked in her head. It’s amazing to watch her discovering the world of letters and words around her!

Furlough in July – Pray we will have a safe, edifying, and connecting time with our spiritual family in Texas. Pray also for our church in São Lourenço, Brazil, as we work hard to develop new servant-leaders.

Bountiful rain – It has rained a lot. The good Lord has supplied well and has heard your prayers. Thank you, folks!

Confederation Cup – have you heard of it? It’s the tournament before the World Soccer Cup. This year and next, Brazil will host both events and one of our brand-new stadiums is just a few miles from our house. First, pray these will be peaceful and safe tournaments. Second, pray authorities will invest the same amount of money in better salaries for our teachers, doctors and nurses, and police officers.

Shalom in Jesus’ name.                                                                     

Bio and Dayse,                                                                                    Hannah                                                                                                      Yasmin,                                                                                           
and Dara Nascimento

Saturday, March 30, 2013

My dear friends,

Please, bring before the Father these important prayer requests, for we know that “the effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”

1. Easter Services – we have invited many to attend our Easter services tonight and tomorrow. Pray please that people will come, hear, and changes their lives.

2. Drought – the water shortage in our region has aggravated. Two of our state reservoirs are empty. Many families complain that they only have water once every two weeks. The meteorologists forecast no rain for this and the following year.
But our God is lord rain and lightings!

3. Personal Bible Studies – some of the people I conduct personal Bible studies have discontinued because of silly interruptions or no apparent reason.

4. Traffic in Recife – our metropolitan area was rated as one of the slowest traffic in the world! We waste too much time to get to work and places. Can you pray for that? Pray that our Lord may enlighten me to find better alternatives routes and better traveling times.

Best regards in the Lord,
Bio and Dayse Nascimento 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Dear friends, 

We hope this finds you enjoying God's peace. 
Please, add the following requests to your private prayers today:

Hannah and Yasmin started a new school year. Hannah is in high school now, and new challenges will come to her. She needs to start thinking what career she wants in life. 

Carnival week is now and the whole city gets so agitated. It's a bacchanalia at many places around. Our church will not have a spiritual retreat, so pray for safety for us all.

* I spend a lot of time driving either because of ministerial duties or family chores. 
Pray please that I maintain my focus and energy.  

* We have plans to increase the numbers of deacons and maybe ministers, 
starting this year.   May the Lord may raise the right men. 

"My soul waits in silence for God only; 
From Him is my salvation."    - Ps 62.2

Bio and Dayse,
Hannah, Yasmin, and Dara Nascimento