Saturday, October 2, 2010

September Highlights

May this letter find you enjoying God’s grace and peace.

Besides the daily routines, in the month of September there were some highlights we’d like to share with you. Also, you will find some prayer requests we’d love you would bring them before the Father.

Church classroom building
Our first building designed for class purposes is close to conclusion. We are now at the last stage of setting up doors, plumbing, light bulbs, etc. Everyone is so excited that each age group will finally have their space to study God’s word and more comfort for their particular activities. Moreover, we expect to double our attendance when both buildings are completed.

Spiritual World classes
This training class on Tuesday’s nights is one of the largest groups I think I had. We’re not only studying about angels, demons, and spiritual warfare, but other topics that might engulf under the Spiritual World umbrella. People have been very encouraged about the importance of prayer in their Christian walk.

Bible Bowl 2010
Our brothers Daniel and Janaina Palk from the church in Boa Viagem organized and promoted once again the Bible Bowla biblical completion, this year on the Book of Exodus 1-20. It was a joyful morning of fellowship with many young people that came from churches all over Recife. It was also a great opportunity for the kids to memorize and learn the Scripture. Many kids from São Lourenço scored well at this tournament. Please check the link below.

Prayer Requests
  1. That I may live a holy and wise life.
  2. My mother’s health is weaker. Pray that we may find good caretakers for her in this stage of life.
  3. Our girls’ spiritual awakening and growth towards Christ.
  4. Dayse’s adjustment to her new job as a librarian.
  5. The new buildingsmay they achieve its utmost purposeKingdom growth and God being glorified in the mouth of many.
  6. Tomorrow (October 3rd) is mandatory Election Day in Brazil. May God send us good and righteous men to govern our people.
  7. In November we will promote another Men’s Seminar for all the churches in the metropolitan area of Recife.

May God multiply his peace upon each of you.

Bio and Dayse Nascimento